Hello, and welcome!

I love to write, teach, and consult about all things health and wellness, especially Ayurveda. I’m here to help you push the boundaries on what a “diet” really means in today’s world.

If you:

  • struggle to establish a healthy routine
  • feel negatively about your self image and self love
  • lack the confidence to go after what you really want
  • feel there isn’t enough time to appreciate the little things
  • don’t know where to start with fitness and food
  • worry about stress and facing burnout

Then this blog is for you, my friend! Food is only one part of Ayurveda. An Ayurvedic lifestyle fosters and nurtures self love, care, and confidence so you can send that love out into the world and still have an abundance left for yourself.

I want nothing more than to help you change your life, and together we can do just that.


I didn’t always have the knowledge to help others. If you are struggling and feeling stuck, then trust me, I know the feeling all too well. Let me tell you a few things about me that got me to where I am today and why I think we would make a great team.

About me.

Hi! I’m Halston Fabing.

I’m an Ayurveda Practitioner with many years under my belt studying Ayurveda integrative medicine. To be honest, I found myself on this path by happen stance.

I was one of those people stuck in the rate race of working three jobs but only making enough money to live paycheck to paycheck. I found myself constantly facing burnout and developing bad habits just to cope. All this time while I was trying to climb upwards I found that I was only sinking deeper and deeper.

On top of that, I felt that no matter how hard I tried I was still a failure, at least when I compared myself to others. You know what I’m talking about, that invisible graph of social norms and milestones that we all place ourselves on. Then I’d take a step back and have a good long look and realize I was no where near where I thought I’d be.

This external image started to turn inward and I began to develop anxiety attacks and a sleep disorder. These eventually led to a complete and utter lack of structure that snowballed into severe depression, and eventually down the line, a bipolar II diagnosis.

I was soon taking multiple types of medication and while it helped a little, something still felt off. I was sick of taking medication that only seemed to mask the symptoms but never really solved anything.

In a desperate attempt to find relief, I signed up online for a free lecture about a practice called Transcendental Meditation, or TM for short. There I met Leslie, who eventually became my meditation teacher. He is a very wise and kind man and learning TM did everything he said it would do.

My anxiety and depression lifted and I started to see the world in a whole new light, I actually felt excited for the future.

The decision to learn TM that day eventually led me to MIU, a university unlike any other that focuses on cultivating the mind, consciousness, and life of the student in order to better absorb the knowledge that is presented.

This is where I met some of the most amazing and selfless people and where I learned the ancient practice of Ayurveda. Most importantly, how when Ayurveda is combined with TM everyone has the power to reach superhuman health and potential.

“Without proper diet, medicine is of no use. With proper diet, medicine is of no need” Charaka Samhita

Ayurveda taught me many things, but one thing for sure: I had no idea what “healthy” really meant.

During my studies, there were so many jaw dropping moments, I felt as though the wool had been pulled over my eyes my entire life. It hit me that I was never given the tools or the knowledge to live a healthy, happy and peaceful life and many of these things start with our food.

I grew up on the standard American diet believing that it was healthy when in fact it was reeking havoc on my body. Especially my mind. Daily stressors will always be there, they are impossible to avoid but how you react and respond to them is in your control and a huge part of cultivating this power of resilience also starts with food.

Ayurveda completely changed my life and it’s my passion and purpose to help you do the same. Now it’s my turn to spread this knowledge out into the world.

Ayurveda is not just a diet, its a lifestyle. This ancient medicine sees every human being as unique, and one type of food that may work for one person may cause a myriad of health problems in another.

Ayurveda caters to unique body types and uses lifestyle, diet, meditation, and herbal formulations to heal the wholeness of a person, all the way down to their cellular metabolism.

So, the question is, are you ready?!

Are you ready to change your life? This blog will teach you how to incorporate ancient practices of Ayurveda into your modern lifestyle. You don’t have to be a monk to reap the benefits and rewards of such an intricate and personalized medicine such as Ayurveda.

I’m thrilled that you are here! Leave me a comment or send me a message and say hello. If you’d like, you can tell me about some things your struggling with and would like to change.

Ayurveda has a solution for pretty much everything, all you have to do is ask. I want to make sure to always create content that will be helpful to you.

Let’s do this!

AFFILIATE DISCLOSURE: As a professional Ayurveda Practitioner it is my duty to provide you with the best possible information to guide you to better health. This includes thorough research whether through my own personal experience, case studies, medical journals, online etc. If you decide to purchase any products I recommend, it may contain affiliate links, and I may receive a small commission at absolutely no cost to you. Thanks for your trust and support.